Could it Have Been an Email?

So… your zoom is scheduled by someone else, the topic has very little to do with you or your job, but you have to be a participant anyway. Or, you’re actively involved in a discussion/meeting but you can’t sit still because your body just needs to move man! And most importantly, and most commonly, you have another meeting, haven’t gotten out of your chair for hours, except to pee and freshen up your coffee, and you’re starting to think that you may be aging prematurely because you don;t move at all anymore.  I am absolutely not advocating that you mind-check-out of your meeting and just log in to clock the points, or that it’s not really important to be present while people are presenting.  I am saying that if you have to be there you may do something for your body while your mind is busy with work, instead of just sitting there!

Looking for something to do while the camera is on?

Ankle alphabets, Towel crunches and pick ups, Ankle pumps (please do these with intention, just wiggling your feet around does nothing for your circulation! Pump up and pump down), Kegels (for both the men and the women!!!!!), and good old fashioned diaphragmatic breathing.

Ok, It’s a camera’s off kind of meeting?

Seated cervical retraction, scap squeezes, glute sets, shoulder circles are the winners here!!!

All of these are easy enough to do while you focus on the meeting too.  No need to count reps, just alternate to a different exercise when you find yourself distracted.  As always, if it hurts, don't do it!! And of course you can do your camera on exercises while your camera is off, but maybe not the other way around ok! If you do swap it up and someone asks, just tell them you’re doing your PT exercises and then send them my way with any questions :)


Why is Posture so Important???


How To Improve Your Squat From Start To Finish: Burpee Breakdown Part 1