Why is Posture so Important???

We are beings that live in gravity.  Our entire musculoskeletal system depends on us contracting and relaxing our muscles depending on where we are in space and what gravitational pull is pressing on us. 

When we are standing our posture aligns us in space so that we are loading on our joints (read spine, knees, ankles etc…) appropriately and that the load is not too much that it causes wear and tear. 

When we live our lives upright in space our muscles and joints are happiest and our bodies move the best.  Ears over shoulder, shoulders over hips, hips slightly behind knees and over ankles.  

A great majority of us DO NOT live our lives upright in spaces though do we?  We live in a seated position for the majority of our work and recreational time.  That means it’s up to us to make sure that when we are upright we are aligned so that “future us” doesn’t have back, shoulder, hip, and knee pain!

Great, so what do we do about it? 

  1. Focus on how you stand when you do stand.  

    1. Is there a space between your ears and your shoulders?

      1. Yes!  Great job :)

      2. No?  Ok, try some Upper Trapezius Stretching and Scapular retraction exercises like rows.

    2. Are your ears lined up over your shoulders naturally?

      1. Yes!  You’re crushing it!!!

      2. No?  Try Levator and Scalene stretches and some Deep Neck Flexor exercises.

    3. Is your back in a neutral position with your shoulders lined up over your hips?

      1. Yes!!  You must think the Queen is coming!  

      2. No?  Alright… This one’s going to take some patience.  Start with stretching out your hip flexors, and then start to strengthen your transverse abdominals and glutes.

You can find these stretches, and more, on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_4aDqebeh364r2CACMYCyw

If ANY of these give you pain please reach out so we can adjust and modify them, and as always if you’re not sure if you should do these check in with your PCP, PT, or other medical provider for additional guidance.  We got you!!!


How To Improve Your Plank From Start To Finish: Burpee Breakdown Part 2


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